Monday, January 30, 2012

The Gut Shot

Being told that you are not good enough is the worst gut shot.

I had applied for a position at the next level in my department.  Positions like this do not open very often, and I felt like I had very good strengths to contribute to the organization and a good chance at the job.  I network all the time with other managers and staff.  I have been trusted to train other new managers even after being a manager myself for only six months.  I have very good relations with all of my previous managers.  I run a profitable, stable department.

The sucker punch came when I was not even offered the courtesy of an interview.  How am I supposed to persuade them to consider me when I will not get to talk with them?

You're just not good enough.

Wow, that hurts.

Maybe, it is time to move on.


  1. Sorry to hear that, sis. Definitely hard to hear that and realize that what you thought was true about the organization, or you, wasn't. But always the chance to start over, and as you say - maybe look in a new direction. Happened to me when I stopped coaching - was a "gut shot" - but life went on, and I'm happier where I am now. Thinking about you... Love, Jon

  2. The truth is, people can say what they will about us, that we are not good enough or they don't like us for whatever silly reason. But what you are made from, what is good and true in you can not be assailed by anyone or anything in this world. Do not let other define you! You keep reaching for the stars, the truth will shine through.

    The point is no has to take a sucker punch, it's all up to us. Will we learn from this and grow or will we let it define us?
