Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Sister Is Not Ellen DeGeneres

They share a birthday, though.

There must be something special about January 26th.  Two of my favorite people are born on that day, and they have some surprising things in common.  Ellen DeGeneres is one of them, but, more importantly, my sister Lori is celebrating her birthday today.  She and Ellen are both loving, generous, funny, fun-loving ladies.  Both love animals.  And, although the style is different, they share a love of music.

My dream is to have my sister and Ellen celebrate their birthday together on Ellen's show.  I think that Lori deserves to be treated like a queen for her birthday, and I know Ellen would accommodate, especially on that day.  Can you (my siblings) imagine Lori under Ellen's care for the day?  What a hoot!

Maybe, they could celebrate the day "Down Under" in Australia which commemorates Australia Day, (think July 4th in the USA,) on January 26th!  That's the ultimate dream - my sister and Ellen DeGeneres in Australia celebrating their birthday!!  What a party that would be!  I would fly myself down just to see it - two of my favorite people in the country I have come to love.

Ladies, cheers to you both.  I wish my dream could come true someday.

I love you, Lori.  Happy Birthday.


  1. That would indeed be an event worth celebrating! The two of you are crazy and loveable! I'm glad that Lori got to read this :-) Hope life's treating you well, sis!

    Love, big bro Jon

  2. Funny, Mary C!! :-) We love our Lori!!
